IN PERSONS | Use this option for Pop Up In persons and Tours too! |
current special | phone session only ---
Experience 60 full minutes, by phone with Mindie in a professional and confidential session.
In this session, you will be able to ask Mindie specific questions in any topics including these below as well as connect with loved ones and pets who have departed. Mindie is able to cover several topics in just one reading and you will be asked to bring questions you wish to cover. Mindie's messages are specific, accurate and always channeled for the highest good for all, delivered in love and light and with personality and grace.
Career, Work, Finances | Self Development + Self Care | Healing, Health |
Family, Spouse, Children | Relationships, Love | Pets | Spirituality, Religion |
| Departed Loved Ones
Those wishing to connect with loved ones, including pets who have departed may also choose this option. Mindie is both a direct link to your loved ones and pets whom have crossed and profound healing messages are shared from Spirit to both allow you to connect, heal and feel their love.
In all aspects of Mindie's channeling and healings, you will get a safe space to connect, heal, grow and gain peace in your path. If you have several topics to cover in one call, please discuss that with Mindie at the start of your session to ensure we cover all of them in the priority of the most important (top 2-3) first.
Please be mindful of wait times! All sessions must be paid in advance. Once your session is purchased, you will receive an email within 72 business hours and that email includes appointment dates/times to select from. Once your date/time is selected from that email, a secondary email will follow which include calling instructions and how to prepare for your session.
Please review all guidelines below and be familiar prior to your session:
- 1 reschedule is allowed per client
- Only paid clients can attend a phone session. Observing is not allowed and can impact your personal session / messages received.
- No refunds
- No exchanges
- No transfers
- No gift cards - unless preivously discussed with Mindie & her team
- Mindie reserves the rights to cancel at any time for any reason
- Please ensure you understand wait times can be 4- 8 weeks depending on your availability as well as Mindie's
60 Minute Phone Session | All Topics
Please review privacy policy below. All clients are required to have a current privacy policy on file at all times.